... CHAPTER 12 ...

Mrs. Protestant pastor thought of calling an army physician, but then remembered that, when she was young, she worked for a while as a nurse for a specialist in venereal diseases (somebody treating syphilis with kid gloves), who prescribed diluted boric acid for foreskin irritation, and maintained that boric acid is perfectly good for the eyes as well.
Therefore, Mrs. Protestant pastor was happy that she knew what was the right cure for that poor soldier.
Now the man had stopped. He kept his head lowered, checked his footing, and seemed to have lost his bearings. Mrs. Protestant pastor remembered the Chief’s clothes (very similar to the soldier’s) and the soldier’s height (which more or less was like the Chief’s). His hair (parted in the same way), and an air of intrinsic cockiness (which didn’t seem to have left either one).

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