... CHAPTER 12 ...

It remains to be seen how Relena took the phial back (on that dawn of the third day, before departure). Not one Narcos saw (the Narcos were famous, above all, for their eyesight) or heard her (after their eyesight, the Narcos were noted for their hearing). When questioned by the general, the Narcos rejected the accusation of negligence: the guards were awake and alert. Some dragged geese on leashes, some had installed surveillance cameras, some had installed heat- and cold-sensitive laser beams (none of them, however, lukewarm-sensitive laser beams – a question long debated by siege strategy logicians).
Then it remains to be seen how the barrel followed Relena. Because, for sure, the barrel moved about undisturbed up to the first car in first class. And if only the route taken by the barrel had been discovered, then by deduction the route taken by Relena would also have been discovered.

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